About Calvary
Calvary is a thriving Spirit filled Church located in the Trinity-Gardens neighborhood of Houston Texas. With powerful worship, community outreach, and partnerships, Calvary serves the area with prayers, blessings, ministers and an abundance of love.
Calvary was organized in 1937 under the leadership of the late Rev. Hirlton Huey. It was organized with a few members in the home of the late Mrs. Retha Banks. The nine charter members were Mrs. Hester Archie, Mrs. Retha Banks, Mrs. Estella Brown, Mrs. Irene Frazier, Mrs. Ethel Harris, Mrs. Mary Jackson, Mrs. Eudora Mayhoe, Mrs. Luella Pruitt, and Pastor Huey.
At the Gulf Coast Annual Conference, the Ladies Aid, with Mrs. Christie Adair as president, chose Calvary as their mission project and donated $100.00 which was used toward the purchase of a lot to begin a mission church. Other efforts were made to raise money to build a church. Soon there was enough money to build a small building out of old boxcar lumber. In 1938 a small building was erected at 4819 Denmark Street. The first piano was purchased and Mrs. Huey, the Pastor’s wife, was our first pianist. Rev. Huey served the church willingly and without salary. The church was listed in 1938 under the name of “Calvary Mission.”
Pastor's Bio

David Israel Madison was born in Memphis, TN and graduated from high school in Jackson, TN. He is the youngest child of the late Presiding Elder John Madison, Sr., and his mother, Dr. Bereneice Madison.
Rev. Madison received a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Real Estate and Mortgage Financing from Mississippi State University in 2002. In 2011, he graduated from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University with a Master of Divinity. He interned at Trinity UMC in Third Ward under Rev. Dr. Robert McGee.
He pastored Greater Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church in the Acres Homes community in north Houston for six years. In that time the church was renovated and revitalized. Much of the numerical growth of the church were youth and young adults. He also served as the local president of the AME Ministers Alliance and as an instructor for the Texas Conference Board of Examiners which trains clergy for service.
David has served as the minister of music for several churches including Greater Garth Chapel AME & Joy Tabernacle AME in Dallas and Boynton Chapel UMC in Third Ward. He most currently served as the minister of music for the attempted merger of Ebenezer, St. Mark, Sloan and Wesley UMC in Independent Heights.
David enjoys listening to and playing music, riding his bike, working out, and walking his dog.
Calvary is better known as the “Blessing By The Bus Stop”. So if you are in need of a blessing stop by the church sometime.
Core Values
We value Truth that sets us free in Christ
We value the Diversity as a creative gift from God to humanity
We value Relationships built on love, trust and mutual respect
We value Holy Conversations to develop spiritual maturity
We value Unity while working together to build the Kingdom
Calvary Pastors
At Calvary we honor our past and traditions while embracing the present and preparing for the future.
We have been blessed by dynamic pastors who have lead us and helped us to grow into the church we are today.
Hirlton Huey