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Calvary Ministries


Abundant Life Ministry

Specifically led and designed to serve members ages 55 plus, the Abundant Life Ministry takes fun trips, have small group discussions, host game days, line dancing, and much more.

Young Lions of Judah

The Young Lions of Judah (YLJ) are youth ages 12-18 years old in junior or high school students. The Young Lions of Judah reach out to the youth with the love of God thru Jesus Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit. YLJ compels our youth to grow as individuals while exploring ideas, values, and faith within the context of a supportive community of peers and adults. YLJ draws teens into active, responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith while discovering the passion and purpose.


Calvary Kids Ministry

Calvary Kids Ministry gives our children and youth an opportunity to grow in Christ in a fun and age appropriate way through outreach activities, field trips, workshops and much more. Calvary Kids have their own special children’s message during Sunday morning worship service.

Prayer Ministry

Calvary Prayer Intercessors are the church’s foundation. They keep Calvary grounded in prayer. These Prayer Intercessors serve the church by providing individual and group prayer times throughout the week, including answering internet prayer requests. We believe that the effective fervent prayer of the righteous changes much. Calvary is a praying church and we pray daily for our Church, Community and Country.


Christian Education Ministry

The Apostle Paul, in his treatise on the value and authenticity of Scripture, explains that “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for correction, for reproof, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (II Timothy 3:16-17).  Our Christian Education ministry seeks to empower everyone by learning the Word of God and applying it to everyday life.

Discover College Ministry

This ministry supports college students by providing mentoring and networking opportunities for them as they discover their purpose in the kingdom. Care is also provided with packages with necessary items needed for college life, such as gift cards, school supplies, toiletries, canned foods, etc.


& Multi-Media Ministry

The Multi-Media ministry supports the different forms of media, creating an experience that ultimately draws people closer to God.  The ministry provides sound production, graphic design, social media, print media and photography services.

Worship and Arts Ministry

Our dynamic choir and music ministry is filled with the Holy Spirit. They love to worship God in spirit and truth. If you are musician, singer, actor, choreographer, poet or praise dancer and you are a true worshipper, then join us. Rehearsal is every Thursday at 7:00pm.

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